British psychologists recommend to learn about Brexit from the first date


In a country where the departure of the European Union deeply divides society since the 2016 referendum, in which 52% of Britons voted for Brexit, "the sooner you will know the opinion of your partner, the better it will be, "says Eric Robinson. the University of Liverpool, in an badysis conducted for the eHarmony dating site.

eHarmony asked Robinson and her colleague Michelle Tornquist to create a list of questions to prioritize to badess the chances of success of a relationship. Why wait three to five appointments to realize that they are not compatible? Adds Robinson, behavior specialist, who recommends avoiding caution when talking on a first drink if you want a lasting relationship.

Among the younger generations a "22% of couples separate because of their political differences", he says, also advising to seek advice on topics such as the economy and the environment.

Researchers at the University of Liverpool have ranked Brexit among the top five issues for a first date. The others are: "Do you think that someone would give you back your wallet if you lost it, how were your last vacation, how did you spend most of your money, how did you spend Christmas and the New Year?"


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