Britney Spears invited to US Congress to testify | Republican lawmakers back #FreeBritney


Movement #FreeBritney add support and reached the United States Congress. The Republican legislator Matt Gaetz invited Britney Spears to testify in parliament. “You have been abused by the legal system in our country and we want to help you,” Gaetz offered in a letter he sent to the singer. Britney has not yet responded to the invitation.

The letter, posted on the legislator’s official website, is also signed by three of his colleagues: Burgess Owens, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Andy Biggs. The four Republicans are loyal allies of former President Donald Trump and some were linked to the crowd that invaded the Capitol last January.

You deserve to live a life of freedom and choose your own path -said Gaetz’s letter- They took your life, your freedom and your happiness. Please harness the power that public testimony in Congress can have. “

In an interview with Newsmax over the weekend, the lawmaker said, “I am honored to lead the Free Britney movement in Congress, but it is a movement that needs some work. broader reforms in the areas of guardianship and custody. What happened to Britney Spears is terrible, and it shouldn’t happen to her or any other American. “

“Right now it’s a growing movement, I’ve already asked three of my colleagues to join the invitation to bring Britney Spears to Congress, so I’m hoping some Democrats will join in as well. cause, “he added.

But the movement #FreeBritney already has the support of the two Republican representatives -for example, Ted Cruz- like the democrats. Chuck Schumer, Barbara Lee, Carolyn B. Maloney and Seth Moulton are just a few of the Democrats who have made statements in support of the singer from Oops I did it again.

Last week, the Los Angeles courts rejected a request filed by Britney’s lawyer last November to remove the singer’s father, Jamie Spears, from his sole guardian. This decision by Judge Brenda Penny is unrelated to the testimony the artist gave in which she asked to be freed.


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