Broken eardrum may cause hearing loss: Ssa


The sensation of having [l'oreille couverte] accompanied by fever, suppuration, pain and tinnitus are symptoms that could reveal a tympanum broken which, s & # 39, he was left unattended, Secretary of Health

In a statement, the specialist attached to the Department of Audiology of the Rehabilitation Unit of the General Hospital of Mexico City " Dr. Eduardo Liceaga, "Laura Reyes Contreras, explained that this problem is caused by an ear infection called otitis.

However, he specified that this injury may also be the consequence of an accident by accident or by the introduction of otitis. ear of an object such as pin, cotton swab or ballpoint pen.

Other causes of tympanic rupture include:

  • Intense noise near the ear
  • Excess of exposure to atmospheric pressure
  • Flying or driving in the mountains
  • Constant exposure to water, swimming or diving

One of the main functions of the tympanic membrane is to prevent the pbadage of dust and insects because the middle ear is broken the environment and is vulnerable to infections ", explained the specialist.

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When tympanoplasty is needed?

He added that the eardrum has the ability to Self-regenerate when at rupture does not exceed 30% of the total membrane, however, if the damage is greater, it is necessary to perform surgery known as tympanoplasty.

Treatments …

Explained that when the rupture of the eardrum [19659] 015] is badociated with acute infections, such as rhinitis or rhinosinusitis, treatment may be with antibiotic .

He clarified that even if it is possible to repair the damage of the membrane there is a risk of hearing loss because it will depend on the severity of the infection and how many time she stayed remained perforated.


Therefore, the expert recommended that the population avoids any type of drops. Home remedies or home remedies and contact the specialist because fast treatment is one way to prevent hearing loss.

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