Brunei: George Clooney, Elton John and Ellen DeGeneres call for boycott of sultan


Credit: Grosby Group

In Brunei, new strict Islamic laws have come into force that punish badual relations between men by stoning to death.

The new Penal Code also provides for the same punishment for those who practice adultery, as well as another range of penalties for crimes such as amputation of the hands and feet. The measure generated an international condemnation. Huge personalities urged all his supporters to boycott the hotels owned by the Sultanate, while Amnesty International (AI) made his voice heard asking the Sultan "to stop immediately". 39, application of the new sanctions.

The actress and American TV presenter

Ellen DeGeneres

She called the people who follow her on her Twitter account to "take action": "Brunei will start stoning gays until death, we must do something now, s" Please, boycott these hotels belonging to the Sultan of Brunei.

The campaign was launched by the actor

George Clooney

, who said the new laws were "human rights violations". Filmmaker Dustin Lance Black wrote on the networks: "If you continue to stay at the Beverley Hills Hotel, you will be guilty of financially supporting these murderers."

Elton John

She joined the campaign and wrote on her Twitter account: "We must send a message, to the extent possible, that such treatment is unacceptable, which is why David (Furnish, her husband) refused to stay and we will continue to do so, we hope they will join us in solidarity "; He wrote and then published the list of hotels to boycott.

I believe that love is love and being able to love as we want it is a basic human right. Wherever we go, my husband David and I deserve to be treated with dignity and respect for every one of the millions of LGBTQ people around the world. & – Elton John (@eltonofficial)
March 30, 2019

We must send a message, whatever our means, that such a treatment is unacceptable. That's why David and I have long refused to stay in these hotels and will continue to do so. We hope you will join us in solidarity. & – Elton John (@eltonofficial)
March 30, 2019


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