Brunei imposes death penalty by stoning gays and adulterers


The Sultanate of Brunei will suffer from next week with the death penalty by stoning adultery and gay bad.

L & # 39; homobaduality it's illegal in Brunei, but – according to the authorities – this will become a capital crime. The law only applies to Muslims.

The small sultanate that practices a Islam more strict that its neighbors Malaysia and Indonesia will implement a new severe criminal code based on shariaIslamic law, which provides for sanctions such as stoning and mutilation of limbs.

So, robberies will be punished by the amputation of one hand (first offense) and one foot (second offense) starting next Wednesday.

The mosque of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin in Brunei.
The mosque of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin in Brunei.

Amnesty International has urged Brunei to "stop immediately" the implementation of these new sanctions. "To legalize such cruel and inhuman punishment is atrocious"Rachel Chhoa-Howard, head of the country's human rights organization, said in a statement.

"Some of the possible" offenses "should not even be considered crimes, including consensual bad between adults of the same bad," he added.

A notice in the premises of the Prosecutor General of Brunei dated 29 December of last year indicated that the provisions would enter into force on 3 April.

The sultanate announced the measures for the first time in 2013but the request was delayed to allow officials to resolve the details and by the opposition of the rights organizations.

Already in 2015 in Brunei prohibits excessive Christmas celebrations lest the Muslims deviate.


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