Brusa Dovat: Marcelo DAlessio put pressure on Daniel Santoro


The former director of PDVSA and journalist of the Alessio case, Gonzalo Brusa Dovat, gave details on the "squeeze" of Marcelo D'Alessio.

March 19, 2019

The former director of PDVSA and whistleblower Marcelo D'Alessio, Gonzalo Brusa Dovat He told how he came Marcelo D'Alessio and argued that the judicial operator had identified himself as the DEA regional manager.

"He said that he was investigating one of those PDVSA companies with whom I had no contact and that he was grateful for the information and that He was going to protect me, he's still identified as the DEA's regional leader, "he told the program There Will Be Consequences, The Destape Radio.

Brusa Dovat reported: "The meeting with Santoro is here. I refused to make this note and D & # 39; Alessio presses me from Santoro. And there I had no choice. "" After Santoro's note comes out in Bugle, D'Alessio tells me that he will take me to Stornelli's office to confirm a complaint. "We arrived at the Stornelli Prosecutor's Office, they greeted each other cordially, we entered his office and D'Alessio told him that I was going to ratify what came out in Clarín ""I had 20 or 25 minutes to declare and then I realized that D & # 39; Alessio was by my side listening but I did not know that it did not fit, later I've discovered "

In addition, Brusa Dovat said that "in the court of Dolores, they are doing a great job, despite the limited resources they have".

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