Brutal aggression of a pregnant woman on a girl to be in favor of legal abortion – 18/07/2018


The brutal scene took place last weekend on a square in Claypole, south of Greater Buenos Aires. A pregnant woman savagely badaulted a 12-year-old girl who was in favor of the legalization of abortion. And everything was recorded by a video that was broadcast by one of the attackers.

The teenager, who wore a green tissue for the initiative that already has a half-sanction in Congress, was with his friends. It was Sunday afternoon .

Out of nowhere, a woman who was also in a group approached them. And he started asking them questions about their position on the legalization of abortion. The one who answered was Leslie, who believed that the situation was not going to happen to the majors . Just an exchange of words.

But he was wrong. The woman became more and more aggressive and invited her to fight. "I do not have the habit of fighting and less with a pregnant woman," Leslie replied, trying to calm the waters.

"You're going to have to hit me the same way," the abuser replied and for no reason some, he gave her a slap. From that moment everything was recorded in a video. After slapping, he grabbed her by the hair, threw her to the ground and then hit her face before throwing herself on her and punching her in the face. Wild .

"He started telling me things out of place and I never told him anything, he said: " I want a heads-up with you " I said no and I was not going to hit him "She grabbed my hair, she throws pineapple at me and kicks me to the floor, if I hit her, now l & # 39; The story would be different, "said Leslie in a dialogue with TN

But the suffering does not stop there for Leslie Still under the blows, she saw how the video of the attack was viralized on social networks

"I was very bad because posted the video on the networks to make fun of me and That made me very sad. "

Although it can not yet be located by the police, the attacker would have already identified.As it turned out, Leslie was not the only girl who was attacked by this group.

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