Brutal: Drug traffickers amputated pregnant woman’s hands for “thief” | the Chronicle


A pregnant woman and two men were thrown from a vehicle with their hands amputated in a narco revenge in the Mexican municipality of Silao, in the state of Guanajuato.

The bodies were mutilated by the Jalisco Next Generation Cartel Elite Group, who left next to the attacked, a poster extolling the violent act.

In the narcomensaje, they accused the three people who are admitted in serious condition to a local hospital, of being suspected thieves.

The bag containing the severed limbs was also accompanied by a signed message from the sign stating: “It happened to me because I’m a thief and I don’t respect good, hard-working people. Anyone who does the same and continues to steal will happen to him.”.

The brutal CJNG applies all kinds of torture, mutilation, electrocution and dismemberment to his victims to intimidate his enemies.

This is how two of the young men were attacked by the drug gang.

A few days ago, it was known that the narco group was using two of the largest and most famous e-commerce platforms globally to acquire weapons and tactical equipment for military use.

A United States government investigation found that between 2018 and 2019, this criminal group turned to eBay and PayPal to source military equipment in that country, from where it was transferred to Mexico by the through parcel and shipping companies.

The sinister image of the bag with mutilated limbs.

Two years ago, American investigative officers began to track down the cartel members’ modus operandi of trafficking in arms and equipment, through which they acquired parts for grenade launchers, rifles, rifles and machine guns, among others.


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