Brutal femicide shocks UK: teacher killed while walking in London park


The brutal murder of a young teacher from a primary school London He moves British society, which has mobilized to demand security in the face of this new femicide.

Police arrested man on suspicion of killing Sabine in, 28, killed while walking in a London park, authorities said on Sunday.

Nessa was killed on her way to meet a friend, a few minutes from her house. His body was found on September 17 in Kidbrookke, south London.

How was Sabina Nessa’s crime

According to the police reenactment, the young woman left her Kidbrooke apartment to find a friend in a bar around 8:30 p.m. on Friday 17, but she never reached her destination.

Detectives believe she was attacked during what should have been a five-minute walking tour.

According to Daily mail, investigators suspect that Nessa was hit with a red blunt object on the head and that her killer then transported the body to a nearby park, where they found the body.

Memorial in homenaje to Sabina Nessaen Lonres (Photo: REUTERS / Peter Nicholls).
Memorial in homenaje to Sabina Nessaen Lonres (Photo: REUTERS / Peter Nicholls).For: REUTERS

His body, which had been covered in leaves, was found the following night by a dog walker near the OpenSpace Community Center in Cator Park, less than 500 yards from the victim’s home.

How the investigation into the Sabina Nessa case is progressing

London police said on Sunday that a 38-year-old man was arrested on Saturday night in southern England.

Two other men had been arrested and then released in recent days, although police said the new arrest was a “important evolutionof the case.

Police had released security camera footage showing a man on the road Nessa took the night she was killed. Therefore, he asked the population to report on the identity of the suspect.

There is a suspect arrested for the crime of Sabina Nessa
There is a suspect arrested for the crime of Sabina Nessa

Tribute to Nessa and demand for an end to violence against women

Meanwhile, hundreds of people held a candlelight vigil in memory of Nessa on Friday night and called for an end to violence against women. A crowd gathered at the doors of the bar where the murdered teacher was to meet a friend.

“It’s like we’re in a nightmare and we can’t get out. Our world is shattered, we just don’t have words,” Nessa’s sister Jebina Yasmin Islam said.

And he added: “No family should go through what we are going through.”

A floral tribute read: “Women deserve to come home safely. Thinking of Sabina and all those who loved her ”. Meanwhile, a cardboard sign had written the names of all the women murdered in the UK this year and asked: “¿How many more? “.

Nessa’s death came six months after a police officer kidnapped, raped and murdered a Sarah Everard, 33, in south London. The Everard case shocked the country and prompted thousands of people to take to the streets to denounce violence against women.

A portrait of Sabina Nessa with police searching the area for the murder weapon (Photo: Reuters)
A portrait of Sabina Nessa with police searching the area for the murder weapon (Photo: Reuters)For: REUTERS

Who was Sabina Nessa

Sabina Nessa was 28 and worked as a teacher at Rushey Green Primary School in Catford, south-east of the British capital.

A colleague interviewed by the Daily mail He said she was “kind and delicate” and said the school was in shock.

“No one and nothing can prepare you for this; the first thing we knew was when we got to school on monday morning, ”he said.

He added: “It’s pretty terrible when someone dies. It’s a lot worse. It is even impossible to understand that he suffered in the most violent way. We were sitting next to him on Friday, then this. The second year students, who were his teacher last year, are the most moved, ”he said.

Nessa had just taken a new first grade class for the start of the term at the school, which has 600 students and around 70 staff. Lisa williams, the school principal said Sky News that “she was a brilliant teacher.”

“She was kind, loving and absolutely devoted to her students. I had so much life ahead of me and so much more to give and your loss is desperately sad“he claimed.


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