Brutal video: prisoners stabbed to death in prison | Chronic


One prisoner was killed by two other convicts in a maximum security prison in Athens, Greece.

This Sunday, a video was released in which the moment of aggression can be enjoyed, even when prison guards attempt to prevent the attack.

The victim, identified as Arber Bako, of Albanian origin, was stabbed 17 times on the neck and chest. The violent incident occurred on January 14, but the images were released recently while the case is still under investigation.

Bako, 36, was serving a sentence for attempted murder. Apparently, he was an active member of a large Albanian gang linked to 12 attacks in prisons and 20 others outside prisons.

The murder took place in Korydallos, the largest prison in Greece, a few hours after the transfer of the victim in the same cell as his co-defendants in the case of the murder of a lawyer.

As one could know at that time, the inmate allegedly sent an SMS to his defender to warn him that they were going to kill him.

The Greek Ministry of Justice said in a statement that the publication of the video "directly undermines the great judicial and police battle" that the authorities have taken against the eradication of criminal circles and mafias of prisons that no other government has dared to confront.

In the past few months, 26 people have died in Korydallos for various reasons. In addition, a dozen clashes took place and dozens of convicts were injured, local media reported.


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