Building a vibrant and pluralistic democracy in Argentina will take time


The content of the document is, to a certain extent, predictable: The recovery of public statistics is valued over the last four years, efforts to increase transparency, respect for the division of powers, non-partisan use of public media, international politics, respect for federalism and investments in infrastructure. Reference is also made to the errors, the current difficult situation and the highlighting of the important debt: the reduction of poverty. In addition, those who sign do so with critical support: knowing that four years is short, often value more intentions than results, and do not neglect their belief to make their voices heard when They disagree with ideas, proposals or decisions.

Like any horizontal phenomenon in times of social networks, the claimed quickly arrived to the opponents, whose first reaction was not only to criticize the content of the document, but also to criticize the people who signed, sometimes violently. There have been cases of people who have decided to withdraw their signatures, uncomfortable with the tone and content of the messages received. The scientist Marina Simian She was harbaded in the networks again and again, as if her criticisms of the government in scientific matters prevented her from choosing to vote for the reasons set out in the application. Given the volume gained by the discussion, the president issued a message in favor of diversity of ideas and tolerance on his Facebook and Twitter accounts, also thanking the support he had received.

The violent reaction against the demand made, surprisingly for many opponents, that more people would like to sign it. Renowned personalities joined late in the week and Saturday and Sunday with their support. The harbadment of the political statement honestly surprises:What does the main opposition candidate say about the issues highlighted as relevant in the application?? Does the opposition guarantee power sharing, transparency, public statistics, international integration, federalism or investments in infrastructure? For what they did when they were in power, for the composition of the formula and for the lack of self-criticism, this does not seem to be the case.

I suspect the answer goes in the other direction. The demand, with academics, intellectuals, scientists and cultural figures, has shown that the majority saysin front of everybody"From its name, reality is lacking: not all academics, intellectuals, scientists or artists are with them. In addition, as a political act, documents and accessions of this type have a liberating effect: many more people dare to express themselves and mark their support and criticism.

From the beginning of its release to today, Macri's drive for demand in the 2019 elections has mostly been used to diagnose our public debate, with its ideas, conflicts and demands. . Beyond the present election, experience shows that building a vibrant and pluralistic democracy in Argentina will take time.

Iván Petrella is Director of Argentina 2030 in the Cabinet of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Nation.


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