Bullrich, about detained Iranians: "We will not believe the adultery theory like that"


Security Minister Patricia Bullrich confirmed that Iranians detained with false documents had a reason for falsification of identifications in Portugal, and said: "We will not believe the theory of adultery of the type".

He referred to the testimony of Sajjad Samiel Naseran (27), one of the detainees who, in court, said that in Iran, he was living with a married woman and had discovered. Islamic law – which is death – decided to flee his country.

However, in the dialogue with América 24, the minister said: "We will not say that because they are Iranians, they are terrorists."

"I think they're a couple who have a lot of question marks, what they said to the judge is part of what is the focus of the investigation, the other part is to know their behavior, what they do, what they have on the phone, in their computers, "added the manager.


Sajjad Samiel Naseran, 27, was arrested Saturday in a hotel in the Abasto neighborhood with a woman named Mashoreh Sabzali, 30, with whom he had been in Spain since March 12.

They are accused of ideological lies for entering Argentina with false documents.

The Iranians arrested.

Mashoreh Sabzali testified on Tuesday in court and badured that he had left Iran because he had converted to Christianity and that he had come to Argentina because He had been told that it was easier to obtain refugee status here.

The woman in custody said she left her pbadport in her country, where she was being persecuted, and met Naseran at a refugee center in Spain.

He also claimed that, if he was discovered with an apocryphal pbadport, he would seek political asylum in our country.


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