Bullrich approved Triaca for the fine imposed on truckers


July 22, 2018 – 00:00
He said that "violating mandatory conciliation is a serious matter".

Security Minister Patricia Bullrich yesterday backed her working partner, Jorge Triaca, for the $ 1 million fine imposed on the truckers' union, saying "violating mandatory conciliation is a serious matter ", while he questioned the" precarious "response of union leader Hugo Moyano.

"In Argentina, we have the rule of law." Violating the mandatory conciliation is a serious fact with fines, "said the national official (19659004) .Miter, the cabinet member pointed out that" the government proposes that the law makes sense ", referring to Triaca's decision to impose a fine of nearly 810 million pesos to the Union of Truckers for failing to comply with a conciliation in December Mandatory dictated by the labor portfolio.

Also, the former national deputy rejected the statements of Moyano, who threatened to "take the sick to the door of the ministry" because he claimed that the ierno government wants to "break social work"

"Now the law serves and hurts and Moyano responds with something irrelevant, because what should do social work has its contributions and the other unions. This is a rather precarious way of responding to the use of the law, "adds Bullrich.

Mapuche Conflict

Security Minister Patricia Bullrich badured yesterday that the government" has managed to minimize the RAM. "He pointed out that" there are more and more "members of the Mapuche communities" who believe that this violent position does not get them anywhere. "

" One thing is the Mapuche who are protected by the Constitution and national law. another thing is RAM, a group of extreme violence, "said the national leader.


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