Bullrich describes as "historic" the recovery of property by drug trafficking | Chronic


The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, qualified for "historical" badet recovery obtained in the case of money laundering drug trafficking in which a cartel of Colombian drug cartel of Cali was treated and in which family members are involved. Pablo Escobar Gaviria.

The official pointed out that "Following an extraordinary international investigation that involved jointly Colombia, the United States and Argentina, Argentine justice ordered the recovery of badets in a case of money laundering proceeds of trafficking. drug."

"This is something historic, thanks to an exceptional investigation, with the cooperation of the three countries and multiple national and international agencies, it was possible to recover definitively, in favor of the Argentine State and all citizens, the proceeds of drug trafficking ", Assura Bullrich.

The investigation was coordinated by the Ministry of Security, the Financial Information Unit (FIU), the Prosecutor of Narcocriminality (Procunar), the Argentinian DEA Office and the Office of Foreign Assets Control, under the Treasury Department of the United States, which has shown the existence of an organization dedicated to drug trafficking and money laundering with links to our country.

For its partMariano Federici, President of the FIU, stated that "This case shows once again the strong commitment of the Argentinian authorities to fight in a coordinated manner and in cooperation with other countries against drug trafficking and anti-money laundering mafia".

"It also confirms the state's desire to deprive criminals of their badets and recover them in favor of the Argentineans, using all the legal tools at their disposal", explained Federici, who added that "This is the way to deter organized crime from committing crimes in Argentina and thus contribute to the development of a more integrated and secure country."

In the case known as "Café de los Angelitos", the federal judge of Morón Néstor Barral sued Colombian narco this friday José Piedrahita Ceballos and ordered the embargo of 200 million pesos on their holdings and the early seizure of money.


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