Burger King controversial announcement after accusations of racism


International fast food company Burger King has had to remove a commercial for a new hamburger from its New Zealand restaurants, the "Vietnamese Sweet Chilli Tendercrisp", after being accused of promoting racism against the Asian community.

In advertising, you can see different people – none of whom are Asian – eating hamburger with red giant baguettes. This has provoked a series of complaints from social networks, accusing the company of being "culturally insensitive".

The mark had to recognize that this warning was indeed "insensitive" and that its purpose was in no way to promote racism. After the scandal, the notice was withdrawn from circulation in this country.

The entire discussion was launched as a result of a tweet from a New Zealander of Korean descent who, after seeing the ad, expressed outrage over social networks, commenting with irony: "So it's Burger King's new hamburger announcement." Vietnamese. Ok coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool. The chopsticks are very funny, omg, etc. "

So this is the new Burger King advertisement for a "Vietnamese" hamburger. Ok coolcoolcoolcoolcool CHOPSTICKS R HILARIOUS right omg etc pic.twitter.com/zVD8CN04Wc

– Maria (@mariahmocarey) April 4, 2019

Then, in the same thread of tweets, she added, "I'm so fed up with racism, of all kinds, from the one who makes fun of different cultures to the one who murders those who pray peacefully in their temples." no to any manifestation of this kind "

I'm tired of racism. Of any kind. From the kind that mocks different cultures, to the one who shoots and murders those who pray peacefully in their place of worship. Say no to each of its manifestations. #GiveNothingToRacism.

– Maria (@mariahmocarey) April 7, 2019


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