Burst in Chile: Eleven dead and a new mass demonstration in Santiago


The number of victims was confirmed by the municipality of the metropolitan area of ​​Santiago. Michelle Bachelet asks "to avoid the polarization of speech or deeds"

They increase to eleven people killed in Chile as a result of the social outburst that has degenerated into the streets of several cities of this country and causes clashes between protesters and security forces.

The number of victims has been confirmed by the municipality of the metropolitan area of ​​Santiago; while the prosecutor's office announced Sunday that there were a total of 1,554 people deprived of their liberty, who are "detention control hearing. "


In addition, the National Institute of Human Rights (INDH) of this South American nation has presented 11 lawsuits for "police violence".

Following the chaotic situation, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle BacheletSunday asked the dialogue between the Chilean government and civil society to "calm the situation".

"I urge the government to work with all sectors of society to find solutions to calm the situation and to try to address the grievances of the population in the interest of the nation," said the president. Chilean president in a statement.

After a violent weekend, the streets of Santiago woke up with long lines to take the bus. The metro had a high and partially functional congestion rate.


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