Bush praised Biden, said election was fair – 2020 US election


“Although we have political differences, I know Joe Biden and I know he’s a good man, who seized the opportunity he had to lead and unify our country, ”Bush said in a statement.

“The President-elect reiterated that although he is the Democratic candidate, he will rule for all Americans. I offered him the same thing that I already offered to Presidents Trump and (Barack) Obama: my prayers for their success and my commitment to help in any way possible ”, he added, according to the news agency Europa Press.

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Bush also praised his colleague Trump and his supporters for their harvest of support at the polls. “He won the vote of over 70 million Americans, an extraordinary political achievement,” he said.

In his victory speech last night in Wilmington, Delaware, “the President-elect reiterated that he is the Democratic candidate, but that he will lead the country for all Americans,” added Bush, who thanked Biden for his ” patriotic message “.

At a time when Trump refuses to concede victory to Biden citing irregularities, Bush pointed to the record voter turnout, which he saw as a symptom of the “health of democracy” in the United States. the news agency reported. AFP.

“President Trump has the right to demand a recount and to present a legal appeal”, but “Americans can have confidence in this honest election, the integrity of which will be confirmed and the outcome of which is clear,” he said. -he adds.

In the 2000 election, Bush and his Democratic rival Al Gore clashed in the key state of Florida, with a difference in favor of the Republican of just over 500 votes.

Gore called for a recount of thousands of ballots that were ignored by voting machines, but the Supreme Court ultimately awarded Bush the victory due to the Electoral College voter nomination deadline.


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