businessman has committed suicide during the act of a minister of Bolsonaro


Sadi Gitz owned a ceramics factory that went bankrupt and at the end of the Sergipe Governor's speech he shot himself in the head.

An entrepreneur committed suicide on Thursday in Brazil during a ceremony organized by a minister of Brazil's current president, Jair Bolsonaro.

Brazilian businessman Sadi Gitz committed suicide this morning during an event convened to discuss the gas sector in the state of Sergipe, in northeastern Brazil, which was attended by the Minister of Mines and Mines. Energy and regional authorities.

After hearing the words of the state governor, Belivaldo Chagas, at the opening of the demonstration, Gitz called Chagas a "liar" and immediately killed himself in front of everyone present.

The forum "New scenario of the natural gas chain in Sergipe", which was held in a hotel in the city of Aracaju, was suspended immediately, announced the government in a public note. The Minister of Mines and Energy, Bento Albuquerque, was among the participants.

Gitz, 70, owned a pottery factory. According to the local press, Cerámica Escurial was facing economic difficulties, due in part to the price of gasoline, and was undergoing legal recovery.

According to reports in the Brazilian press in May, Gitz allegedly blamed the state government for putting an end to his company's activities.

"The government of the State of Sergipe regrets what happened to the entrepreneur Sadi Gitz, Cerámica Escurial, who committed suicide during the event," said the governor on his networks social.

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