Buttons for elevators and ATMs …


The Japanese firm Murakami Corporation is developing, in collaboration with Parity Innovation, a system of holographic buttons, which prevents contact with the surface, designed for use in public bathrooms, elevators and cash machines.

The system is a floating panel that displays various buttons that the user can press in the air, without having to touch the physical buttons. The company presents it as a solution that offers “security, protection and comfort” at a time marked by the covid-19 pandemic.

The technology of floating pictograms, as this holographic system has been called, is in its final stages of development. In this context, samples of devices have already been delivered for use in hospitals and manufacturers.

As it is a solution focused on protection and hygiene, its use is focused on surfaces that end up being touched by many people, such as ATMs and elevators. The company plans to start mass production in 2022.


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