By Delta variant, Israel records highest number of coronavirus cases in three months


Israeli authorities reported 343 new cases of the coronavirus on Monday, its highest number in the past three months, amid a rebound attributed to the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

The local health ministry added in a statement that there have been no deaths associated with the virus in the past 24 hours, having recorded only one in over two weeks despite the almost constant increase in infections.

The fact that deaths are not increasing is attributed to Israel’s vaccination rate, the highest in the world, with more than 85% of its 9 million inhabitants immunized totally.

Israel has accumulated 843,123 cases and 6,428 deaths since the start of the pandemic, according to the local health ministry.

Israel has vaccinated more than 85% of its population, the highest rate in the world.

Israel has vaccinated more than 85% of its population, the highest rate in the world.

He also pointed out that at this time there are 2,597 active cases in the country, 35 of them in serious condition.

The statement specified that 5,645,604 people received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine, of which 5,177,756 have already obtained the full schedule. Genomic tests have shown that the Delta variant is responsible for 90% of Covid-19 cases in Israel, a peak of 60% from three weeks ago.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Minister of Health Nitzan Horowitz were scheduled to meet on Monday to address the situation and discuss the introduction of new restrictions.

Last week, Israel reimposed the use of masks in closed public places and tightened checks at airports.

Authorities are also evaluating the possibility of injecting a third dose of the vaccine into people in risk groups to strengthen the immune system and prevent the spread of the disease.



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