By several inappropriate jokes made in 2008, James Gunn will not lead Galaxy Guardians 3


James Gunn, director of the Guardians of the Galaxy in two parts Credit: Groupe Grosby

Director James Gunn was fired

following a series of tweets with tasteless jokes that he made between 2008 and 2009. In these texts, the director of both parties of
The Guardians of the Galaxy took to ridicule pedophilia and badual abuse. And after a web bailed out those comments, the decision of Disney's Marvel producer, Marvel, was immediately disconnected from his work.

The controversy surrounding the director's early tweets began yesterday, when different public figures flocked to these sayings. In response, Gunn wrote the following on his social networks: "Many people who followed me at the beginning of my career know that when I started, I saw myself as a provocateur, making films and joking about things deemed unacceptable or taboo. I've commented several times in public, as I grew up as a person, just like my work and my humor, I'm not saying that I'm a better person, but I'm very, very different from that of several years ago. I apologized if my mood hurt anyone, I'm really sorry for that and I really feel each of my words apologize. "

  After working on cult horror films like Slither, James Gunn conquered Hollywood cinema with Guardians of the Galaxy
After working on cult horror films like Slither, James Gunn conquered Hollywood cinema with Guardians of the Galaxy

Although Gunn tried to lower the content of the situation,
By an official statement, Disney's president, Alan Horn, said the company's decision was: "The offensive attitudes and messages discovered on James' twitter are indefensible and inconsistent with the values ​​of our study, and we ended our working relationship with him. "

1. Many people who have followed my career know when I started, I saw myself as a provocateur, making movies and telling jokes that were scandalous and taboo. As I discussed it publicly several times, as I developed it as a person, my work and my humor also did it. & – James Gunn (@JamesGunn)
July 20, 2018

For its part,
Gunn issued a statement after his dismissal, where he agreed that he showed a very bad mood, apologized again and added: "Beyond the pbading time, I understand and accept the work decision that was made today.After spending several years, I accept full responsibility for my behavior.All I can do now, in addition to offering my sincerest and most sincere apologies, it is to be the best possible person: accept, understand, engage with equality and be much more thoughtful in my statements and in my obligations with the public speech To all those in the industry and beyond, once again, I apologize most sincerely to all of you. "

The Daily Caller, a conservative website that extols nationalism, publishes articles against immigration to the United States and that ensures that the Climate change is a phenomenon that does not exist. In the same vein, the journalist Jack Posobiec, author of the book
Citizens for Trump (a text that advocates the figure of the current president of the United States), used his social networks to highlight Gunn's old tweet.

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