By the increases, nearly six billion truchos cigarettes are smoked per year in Argentina


Some 5,700 million cigarettes of illegal origin are consumed throughout the country, the Argentine treasury loses to collect more than 8,000 million pesos a year, according to studies prepared for the year. tobacco industry.

contraband cigarettes

<img src = "" alt = "Most smuggled cigarettes arrive from Paraguay
" id = "2730865-Free-741832099_embed" />

Most smuggled cigarettes arrive from Paraguay

cigarettes "truchos" more and more frequently, unknown and undeclared local goods are detected which are sold in loose units or unmarked packages in the same distributors as legal products.

last year by the consultant TNS Kantat to measure the n The level of penetration of illegal cigarettes on the Argentine market revealed that [1319%] 13.1% of smokers were consuming cigarettes from Unlawful origin, ignoring in many cases this condition.

In terms of volumes, a figure would represent 14.2% of the market, with growth of 3.3 percentage points over the previous year . The marketing of illegal products is, in most cases, through the same official channel in which legal products are sold, and more than 80% of illegal cigarette consumers claim to have purchased them in kiosks or kiosks.

The metropolitan area of Buenos Aires (GBA and CABA) concentrates 71% of the market while the in the north-east of the country shows a growth of the illegal trade of cigarettes in 2017 and continues to be the region with the highest level of illegality (44.3% at the volume level).

According to the data of this study, the sale of cigarettes with counterfeit stamps The main form of illegal trade in Argentina is the low price and without the payment of taxes

Among the brands detected with counterfeit stamps include Red Point, Melbour, Melbo, Rodeo, V8 and CJ. Low-cost ones account for 4.5% of the cigarette market and have experienced consumption growth over the past year due to the country's economic situation . [ad_2]
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