By the unusual appeal of Claudio Bonadío, Alberto Fernández will go to Comodoro Py tomorrow


Two weeks ago, we learned that the federal judge Claudio Bonadío He quoted the pre-presidential candidate of the Frente de Todos Alberto Fernández, for the comments of the former chief of staff in an interview about the memorandum with Iran in 2013.

The government's favorite magistrate has called him to testify in the case that is investigating the alleged hiding of the AMIA bombing.

His argument focuses on statements published in the newspaper The nation, where the chief badured that "The agreement with Iran was a bad deal."

The family lawyer of the victims of the badault asked Fernandez to expand his statement. Tomás Farini Duggan, who asked to provide information about the negotiations although this was no longer a part of the Cabinet.

Bonadío attributes to Cristina Kirchner the crime of "aggravated concealment", which is why even though it will be tried by the Federal Courts 8, the judge still has a part of the investigation.


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