By Vaca Muerta, Neuquén had the same level of gas and oil in June as in 2008 – 26/07/2018


In June Neuquen obtained figures that reveal the productive and technological advance taking place in Vaca Muerta . According to data reported by the governor Omar Gutierrez the province reached a production of 112 876 barrels per day of petroleum and 68.6 million m³ of gas ] newspapers. "A level similar to that of September 2008" said the provincial president. By 2019, gas production could reach 80 million m³ each day

The gas increase represents 12.12%, comparing June 2018 compared to the same month of 2017. As for oil, it shows a growth of 7, 15% compared to June of last year.

Neuquén produces almost 50% of the country's gas. 61% of this production comes from unconventional deposits. While 50% of oil also comes from this type of operation. The jewel of production "tight" and "shale" is Vaca Muerta a territory that includes Neuquén, Rio Negro, La Pampa and Mendoza.

During his tour in May of this year in Houston, The President had already pointed out to American businessmen the advances in the Neuquén Basin. At that time, gas production reached 64 million barrels a day and oil production was 110,000 barrels a day. The new announcements reveal that the progress of the industry is very accelerated.

According to Gutiérrez, Neuquén committed US $ 150,000 million capital over the next 35 years . It is expected that investment in the famous unconventional field will jump in 2018 and early 2019 with a planned investment of 18 billion US dollars. Over the last 5 years, the annual average was US $ 7000 million

The increase international price of crude oil barrel the new unconventional gas production, have pulled the industry. It is estimated that between 2015 and 2016, there were approximately 6,000 layoffs between Chubut and Neuquén. This work has begun to be restored.

It is expected that by December the concessions to Vaca Muerta will reach 30 . An expected number of projects from Neuquén and national governments. However, they are still far from the goal of reaching 100 concessions by 2023. That is, ten years after the Chevron / YPF company's first exploration of the deposit.

In these five years of work also times and forms of exploitation have accelerated. And lower operating costs. Another condition that American businessmen indicated as inexorable to continue to bet. "There was a lot of evolution in efficiency, costs and productivity," said the governor.

On the other hand, at the end of 2015, 30% of the wells drilled at Neuquén were horizontal. Today, they reach 80%, said Gutiérrez. The length of the badyzes has also changed. In 2016, most horizontal wells measured 1,000 meters. These days, the average exceeds 2,000 meters, with records like that of Exxon, which drilled 3,278 meters.

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