Cahiers Coimas: orders the release of Oscar Thomas, the former K official who was a fugitive for 48 days


Oscar ThomasThe former director of the binational entity Yacyretá, who had been on the run for 48 days, was released on Tuesday as part of the cause known as coimas notebooks. However, Getting freedom will not be an easy task: the federal judge Claudio Bonadio has set a $ 60 million bond and the defense of the former manager told that he would appeal the set amount.

"We will appeal. Bond amounts can not be embarrbading. The judge's intention is clear, "Jose Manuel Ubeira, Thomas's lawyer, told the media.

Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio awarded him $ 60,000,000. Credits: AP.
Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio awarded him $ 60,000,000. Credits: AP.

According to the notes of the driver Oscar Centeno, Thomas gave Roberto Baratta money several times, numerous number "two" of Julio De Vido at the Federal Planning Ministry. He mentioned exchanges in the entity 's offices, in Torre Madero, and other deliveries in 2008 and 2009.

In 2018, Thomas was on the run 48 days, until his arrest in a department of the federal capital. Now, cameramen Leopoldo Bruglia and Pablo Bertuzzi have realized that there is not enough procedural risk to deny their freedom.

"The concordance of the risk indicators with an entity sufficient to badert that the personal restriction imposed on Thomas is not verified in this case.", note the resolution.They point out in turn that the former official does not have a criminal record and that he fulfills the conditions imposed for home detention.

On the other hand, the judges the investigation has already been tried, so there is no risk of obstruction.

Millionaire Deposit

The Federal Chamber ordered the release "on royal bail" which, according to, amounted to $ 60 million. In addition, the former K official can not be absent without notice from his address for more than 48 hours and can not leave the country: his pbadport will be withheld.

Thomas had benefited from house arrest because of a complex depressive state that had consequences on his health condition.


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