Cairo: A car bomb exploded in front of an oncology hospital and killed 20 | Chronic


At least 20 people died and 47 others were injured when a vehicle loaded with explosives exploded in front of a hospital for cancer patients in Cairo, which the Egyptian authorities defined as a terrorist attack.

The explosion was felt several kilometers away, seriously damaged the building structure, destroyed a dozen cars and left a deep crater on the ground, according to the first reports of the researchers.

"I send my condolences to the Egyptian people and to the families of the deceased, who lost their lives as a result of a cowardly terrorist attack", the president of Egypt wrote on social media, Abdel Fatah al Sisi.

The message from the president on Twitter.

In the first minutes of this Monday, a vehicle that was traveling in an opposite direction along a central Cairo avenue, parallel to the course of the Nile, crashed against other cars in front of it. 39 National Cancer Institute and flew into the air because it was loaded explosive, according to a report from the Ministry of the Interior.

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The authorities have outright ruled out the possibility that the hospital was chosen as a target by terrorists.

"The car has been moved to a location for use in a terrorist operation" The investigators said, coincidentally with other information, that the driver of the vehicle was trying to evade police control when the collision occurred.

The car was stolen in Munufiya province, north of Cairo, in the Nile Delta a few months ago.

In this context, the spokesman of the Egyptian Ministry of Health, Khaled Megahed, confirmed that the explosion had killed 20 people, while 47 others were injured (including three seriously) and had to be badisted in various hospitals in the capital.

"The car has been moved for use in a terrorist operation", the researchers said.

The Egyptian authorities badumed responsibility for the attack on the Egypt-Hasm Arms Movement, to which the government refers to the fallen Muslim Brotherhood, but which seemed inactive for some time.

Hasm appeared in 2016 and claimed several attacks, such as the badbadination attempt of the Egyptian Attorney General's badistant, Zakaria Abdelazizand that of the ancient Mufti of Egypt, the highest Muslim religious authority in the country, Ali Gomaa.

Egypt still has an open front in the north of the northeastern province of Sinai for six years and the government is carrying out an operation against the Egyptian branch of the Islamic State Jihadist group.

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In recent months, jihadist elements in the Egyptian capital have also attacked tourists.

Hours after the explosion, President Al Sisi publicly defined the case as the product of a terrorist act.

The president presents his condolences on social networks "to the Egyptian people and families of martyrs killed in the cowardly incident of terrorist origin".

The TV channels showed images of the damage caused by the explosion on the facade and in the hospital structure, which shone with its broken doors and windows.

Some patients had to be evacuated from the health center, which was forced to cancel many of their usual practices and consultations.


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