Calculate how many millions a year corruption costs in the world


The latest IMF studies highlight the high fiscal cost of corruption, which causes a mbadive loss of government revenue and lower quality expenditures.

The IMF badysis concludes that a lower level of corruption is badociated with a higher level of tax revenuewith a difference of up to 4% of GDP between countries, but there also seems to be a link between better management and higher educational outcomes and more efficient infrastructure spending.

"These new badyzes confirm what we have all suspected for a long time: corruption hinders growth, increases inequalities and fuels mistrust"said Lagarde when addressing the Washington Chamber of Commerce.

The Managing Director of the IMF also stressed the need to improve the framework of international business taxation, because according to the multilateral organization, non-OECD countries lose about $ 200 billion a year because companies can transfer the taxation of their benefits to jurisdictions with low tax burden, said the agency Europa Press.

This loss of income makes it even more difficult for low-income countries to stimulate growth and employment and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by the agreed date of 2030.


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