California: a strange and huge fish appeared for the first time on a beach


California: a strange and huge fish appeared for the first time on a beach – LA NACION


The experts are amazed and seek an explanation for the appearance of a huge fish over 2 meters in California. The habitat of this fish is actually the southern hemisphere.

Conservation expert Jessica Nielsen examines a Hoodwinker sunwolf on the Coal Oil Point Reserve in Santa Barbara, California on February 21st.
Conservation expert Jessica Nielsen examines a Hoodwinker sunwolf on the Coal Oil Point Reserve in Santa Barbara, California on February 21st. Source: AP – Credit: Thomas Turner / UC Santa Barbara

It is a Mola Tecta, better known as sunfish, which was sighted at


New Zealand,

South Africa

and Chile, but never in the Santa Barbara area,


Jessica Nielsen, Conservation Specialist, is examining a Hoodwinker Sun Wolf on the Coal Oil Point Reserve in Santa Barbara, California on February 21st.
Jessica Nielsen, Conservation Specialist, is examining a Hoodwinker Sun Wolf on the Coal Oil Point Reserve in Santa Barbara, California on February 21st. Source: AP – Credit: Thomas Turner / UC Santa Barbara

The measurements taken by the scientists determined that the fish was 2.13 meters long and that the exact spot where it appeared on February 20th is the coal reserve.

Conservation expert Jessica Nielsen examines a Hoodwinker sunwolf on the Coal Oil Point Reserve in Santa Barbara, California on February 21st.
Jessica Nielsen, Conservation Specialist, is examining a Hoodwinker Sun Wolf on the Coal Oil Point Reserve in Santa Barbara, California on February 21st. Source: AP – Credit: Thomas Turner / UC Santa Barbara

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