Cambiemos proposes to "bank" the contributions of the campaign to guarantee transparency


The ruling party came out loud after media and opposition reports of so-called false contributions in the 2015 and 2017 election campaigns. And it has come a long way: answering questions and launching a series of diagnoses and proposals advanced

In the first place, María Eugenia Vidal and the intendants who appeared before the press anticipated that they were already working on an internal audit process to obtain the documents requested by the court of Justice.

the other, prepares a bill that, at first, prohibits any contribution to the campaign of all political forces, with the aim of seeking transparency.

Maria Eugenia Vidal herself evokes a complaint weighing on the change in terms of truchos contributions during the 2015 presidential campaign . In this sense, she was confident and claimed that a new law on the financing of political parties was necessary

In a dialogue with the journalists of General Villegas, the president declared that "is a denunciation of the Kirchnerism and whoever comes because we are going to present and present all the papers "

He also indicated that" what is more important is that the law of financing of political parties has shortcomings and shortcomings and so we believe that there is a new law that provides for the contributions to be banked so there is no doubt about who contributed and who didn't clear accounts. "

He also noted that" after each election, each party has to make the campaign surrender that has pbaded ". "There is nothing to hide this denunciation that has been made about some contributors," he concluded.

The same argument was used, for example, by the mayor of Olvarría, Ezequiel Galli: that is why a law is sent to Congress for 100% of the contributions to be banked, which we think to be a transparent way and there is no doubt, the rest must be determined by justice, "he said during a visit to Azul.

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