Cambiemos resists election advertising in Argentine portals


The Association of Argentine Journalistic Entities (Adepa) and the Association of Digital Journalism (ODA) have proposed that 50% of the electoral guide be allocated to "digital journalistic sites of national production".

The justicialist senator from Catamarca welcomed the article. Dalmacio Mera, which included the proposal in the bill. However, given that Cambiemos is encouraged to incorporate into the norm a National Electoral Chamber (NEC) agreement, which records the accounts of social networks and the official websites of candidates and political groups.

The agreement 66 promulgated in 2018 by the CNE aims to "promote the informed vote of voters", in order to avoid the proliferation of "trolls", but nothing is established regarding the advertising investment in the Argentine portals.

In the 2017 parliamentary elections, 30% of the guideline was for social networks, Facebook, Twitter and Google the main recipients. In addition, the official government advertising has gained a strong presence in recent years, both in the social network of Mark Zuckerberg and in the Internet giant.

This Wednesday is a parliamentary working meeting on the standard to make funding for political parties more transparent. and allow the contribution of private companies to electoral campaigns.

The project received a notice in early November and was included in the government's call for special sessions. However, it was never debated after the MP Elisa Carrió question that private parties be allowed to make campaign contributions.


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