Camilo Vaca Narvaja met Cristina again before her trip to Havana


The family is the family, with or without break of relationship. Emboldened by the results of last Sunday in the STEP, Camilo Cow Narvaja and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, they returned to show publicly together, what they leave for activist meetings in the province of Buenos Aires, from where no public photo leaves then. Anyway, the former son-in-law of the vice-candidate is still in contact with Cristina and this is due to the care of Helena, the girl that Camilo had with Florence Kirchner, your ex partner.

The photo comes from a recent meeting between Camilo and Cristina at Café Las Palabras, the thinking bunker designed by the Kichnerist MP. Eduardo Valdéswhere members of this space are usually found to discuss ideas and discuss politics. The militant redoubt is reserved for friends and is not open to the general public. "Camilo and Cristina talked about the crisis in the country. Cristina is worried about everything that's going on. In turn, she is happy and expected of what will happen in October, "said a witness who attended part of the meeting, who was also Luis Larregui, an old friend of Nestor Kirchner, responsible for cooking for the meeting.

In silence, CFK goes to Cuba and already reorders the campaign

The conversation inevitably led to Florence, who is in Cuba treating a health problem. That is why, during the last visit, Camilo was much closer to her daughter, caring for her here in Buenos Aires, while her mother stays out of the country. Next Thursday, after the court has allowed her to travel, Cristina will leave for Cuba where she will stay for a week, until August 30th.

In a recent note with PROFIL, Camilo admitted being grateful to have both grandmothers to help him with the little girl. Now, as they said, the fundamental reason why CFK travels this week is because August 23 is the 4th birthday of the little girl and the idea is that Florence can be with her daughter on this special date.

This time, Camilo does not travel. At the beginning of last July, the sociologist and CFK were in agreement: on this occasion, Cristina traveled first with Helena, then Vaca Narvaja himself to go and get back his daughter. The meeting of that time was around another anniversary, that of Florence.

Cristina's daughter has been in Havana since March 7th. He went to this city to take a cinema clbad when, as we explained, he was presented with a disease, a lymphatic obstruction, in addition to a psychological picture including attacks. of panic.

Florencia Kirchner charged against him in Hotesur causes and Los Sauces to be members of the society he inherited on the death of his father. Both investigations relate to alleged returns paid by contractors who had benefited from public works. "I think that the whole judicial process that concerns her is unfair because the goal is to attack Cristina and to do so by involving her daughter is part of a judicial campaign", Camilo said.



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