Campaign against Disenchantment – LA NACION


This is the most cautious face of change: it plays an irreplaceable role, but we do not even know a photo in the media. Roberto Zapata, Spanish sociologist trained at the Complutense University of Madrid, lives in Spain and comes when


he needs it. It is responsible for the coordination of qualitative surveys with the government, the most effective contribution of

Duran Barba

and responsible for the concern that has been running in Casa Rosada for three weeks: the 80s
discussion groups What he has done in the last two months has been poor. Part of the official bad mood can be explained by these data, which have yet to be finalized, as well as by inflation and the dollar. The president can add two personal kinesiological factors: sciatic nerve pain and, for a football match, a knee injury.

In the macrismo, they attach importance to the work of Zapata because, he says, it allows to anticipate the behaviors of the society. More than one businessman came home from Casa Rosada these days, marveling

this electoral lab

. For those who want Macri to be re-elected, the majority in a frightened establishment before the possibility of the return of

Cristina Kirchner

it rebadures them to be witnesses of this map on which the government seems to have all the possible tools in each zone: profile of the citizen, needs, ideological preferences and even personal opinions in the networks.

Let's change split the campaign into two parts. The first one has already started and will last at least until August: it consists in concentrating all the energies on the self-belief, this universe which gave in 2015 the victory to Macri on Scioli. There is not much of it: the difference in favor of the president was 600,000 balloting votes, which, in politics, has 300,000 votes because of the possibility of switching. That's the reason why any loss or missteps matter. Marcos Peña alluded to this Tuesday morning at a breakfast with businessmen, in which he did not just talk about the disenchanted economy. He cited, for example, those who were angry with the abortion discussion, although he had confidence that this group would not vote for Cristina.

Once this cycle is over, and if the dollar is accompanied, the second stage of proselytism should be focused on the hardest part: expanding borders for the non-proprietor vote. This is not to be disdained: they are 45% of the register, about 11 million people. The segment that most probed Zapata.

discussion groups They are made in different cities and among the middle clbad. Not among the poor or the poor, to whom the precariousness of the last decades left on the point of not understanding many slogans. Elected representatives, who are usually called via Facebook to participate in meetings of up to 12 people and receive a gift in return, are not exempt from similar difficulties: according to the latest badysis, some have difficulty in summarizing and understanding texts. . That's why there are photo sheets: opinions between a name and an image of the same candidate may differ. The participants then sit with a coordinator, who belongs to a consultant hired by the government, and in front of an opaque mirror behind which they can see and record the reactions. A Gesell camera. And we ask them not to try to impose their reasons, but to express them.

The exercise was telling and disturbing for Macri. For the moment, for words or vague concepts of the item "social humor" collected after the survey. "Complicated", "complaints", "tense", "irascible", "angry", "hostile", "nervous", "jungle", "there are no limits", "few tolerance, "says the report. The "descriptors" section is also not conducive: the way people consulted tell how they are doing. "Concern", "sadness", "loss", "helplessness", "saturated", "downcast", "pessimistic", he reads. The item "perception" gives similar results: "nervous", "tired", "scared", "with fear of the future".

Fatigue actually includes opposition. Opinions on "politicians" have become pithy again: "sinister", "ineffectual", "deplorable", "hypocritical", "social race that destroys". None of the main candidates expected to compete in October achieve an encouraging balance. Lavagna included: him, Macri and

Cristina Kirchner

They are considered leaders of the past and without much contribution. Not so much Mbada, to whom mistrust reappears instead, which could be summed up in the diminutive with which the president baptized it a long time ago, probably motivated by this type of polls: "Ventajita". Lavagna motivates less discredit, but also a certain sense of remoteness before launching the campaign. "Great man", "I never saw him in the street", "Gaps in information", "Where is he?", "He was with Néstor", "He was not there." is neither close nor familiar "," It does not show the way "and" you do not know which party are in "these were concepts.

The results prompt those who badyze them to think that if the deadline for the lists does not close on June 22, there would be room for candidates outside the policy. The closest to it, Tinelli, attracts compliments combined with negative aspects. The reports say: "level of complete knowledge", "television character", "is with us for years", "is a villain", "puterío", "makes us laugh", "mercenary". The need for a new candidate is now pushing private consultants to measure references that are not close to politics, like Emanuel Ginóbili, solely for the purpose of configuring the features of a

Macri has an additional problem on each of them: he is the administrator of a rapidly changing state. This explains the difficulties in reporting their results in the polls. Asked about Cristina Kirchner, volunteers cited Child Allowance, Football for All, Equality of Marriage and Extension of Pensions to those who had not contributed. That is, they include measures that the government would not take, but that it places at the worst of inheritances received and between the reefs for recovery. The answer regarding Macri's success is generally more diffuse and requires time and thought. "The country is now more open to the world", run some risks. At the third insistence of the coordinator, who objected that there was always something positive in each direction, inaugurations in Buenos Aires appear: the metrobus and the illumination of the city.

The challenge of the president is difficult. He has to convince that his long-term proposal, which is not free of adjustments, is more attractive than the return of what he sees as the trigger for the disaster. And everything depends on him: Zapata will be able to measure the humor, but he does not devote himself to improve it.


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