Campaign to spread the importance of getting the hepatitis test


On Saturday, July 28, it is World Hepatitis Day, and in this line, the Department of AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Nation launched a campaign of advertise the importance of becoming tested at least once in life and invite the community to join.

What is hepatitis?

The word "hepatitis" refers to inflammation of the liver and refers to a group of viral infections that affect that organ. The most common types are A, B and C. You can have hepatitis for many years and not achieve it. Liver damage can occur silently. This is why the diagnosis is important early. Hepatitis can be controlled by free treatment available in hospitals and health centers across the country.

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Since 2012 the Ministry of Health of the Nation has the National Program of Fight against the Viral Hepatitis, which is in charge of promotion policies, prevention, training and provision of resources necessary for the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of viral hepatitis. This program has the opinion of the scientific societies and civil society organizations related to the subject.

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