Campanella, very hard against the progress of Grabois: "We must pay or extort to do an act"


The director said that Peronism had lost the street "some time ago"

After the hard defeat at the primaries,
Juan José Campanella redoubled its commitment as spokesman of the ruling party, called to defend the government of Mauricio Macri with the march of 24A and
reinforced his speech against an opposition sector led by
Juan Grabois and the social movements that went yesterday to the Ministry of Social Development to demand the food emergency.

After thousands of people mobilized on July 9 with the slogan "Urgency to face hunger", the director of cinema and television
He stated that Peronism had lost the street "some time ago" and that it "had had to pay or extort money decades ago to perform an act".

The words of the director of
The secret of his eyes they were given as part of a shared video on Twitter where people would be expected to take a list of relief to give the present in the mobilization called by the leader of the Confederation of Workers of the People's Economy ( CTEP), as well as other social references.

Campanella shared the video and wrote:

"In the 'geriatric walk' of 24A, the place was filled with volunteers and advocates of democracy – everyone knew why they were leaving and their role in history." Peronism had to pay or extort for decades to act … they lost a moment ago, "he shot.

In the "geriatric walk" of 24A, the square was filled with volunteers and advocates of democracy. Everyone knew why they were leaving and their role in history. Peronism has paid or extorted money for decades to perform an act. The street was lost a moment ago. Juan José Campanella (@juancampanella)
August 29, 2019

Recorded by user @claricegiss, the video has a voiceover that tells what is seen: "We are July 9 and Independence, it is almost one o'clock in the afternoon, it's totally closed, all people who are here, it's coming in. I do not know why, I do not know when they work. "

The director took the critics and shared them in his account with a hard message against Peronism.



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