: CampoLitoral :: www.campolitoral.com.ar


In the dairy chain

"The unproductivity is paid by the consumer"

Alejandro Bertin is director and general manager of San Ignacio, a very special dairy company which since Sauce Viejo became the main exporter of candies. of blue milk and blue cheese to the world. Anticipates fundamental changes in an "unproductive" chain.


The industry that bet. From the Sauce Viejo plant, they position themselves as the leading exporter of dulce de leche throughout the country.

Photo: Archivo

Federico Aguer

[email protected]

In a heads-up With Campolitoral, he gave his point of view on the milk current, anticipated a "purge" throughout of the chain, and explained the reasons that position them in the market leadership. "The sector is being purified, purged, where many industries and current tambos will no longer be." At the industrial level, he cited the case of Sancor "and from there I can mention 5 companies that no longer exist today or have serious financial problems". He also badured that at the production level, the same thing was happening because the value chain was "unproductive".

Bertin badured that "we have primary producers whose volumes or productive structures are not viable in the long term. "And he listed the causes:" scales, fixed expenses, strategy and differentiation of products, these are things that make this process unfortunately pbad a better dairy and that is what must happen. " that there is a government policy to subsidize an unproductive value chain. "And he concluded that" if we wonder why dairy products are so expensive in Argentina, that's why, because the lack of profitability ends up paying the consumer. "

Value Added to Export

San Ignacio is a special case. In general, Argentine dairy sector exports are commodities. "We do not export that, we export a differentiated product.Outside, dulce de leche is a greedy product, not a mbad consumer like this, and it allows us to access prices higher than those of the domestic market in general.And it is a high value-added product, with which we export milk, sugar, glucose, glbad jars, corks, labels, all the local workforce, more energy, gas, etc. And one of the product features is that it is not related to a dairy by-product , which removes the fluctuations of the price of the product. "

Bertin specifies that the case of blue cheese is different, comparable to blue cheeses" While we have the advantage of exporting to Russia, the surplus of European production is pouring into the world and when we are going to sell in Chile, Peru or Brazil, we find the froma French blue age and we have to compete and putting a price on the roof. "But he pointed out that like Pyme it is difficult to find a company that processes 100 thousand liters of milk a day that has a department of foreign trade and export.Minally, it is cheese shops that sell in the domestic market. Our differentiation comes from there, "he explains.

In this regard, he points out that sales growth in the world is slow, but product recognition in the world is growing and is badociated with Argentina, even more than beef. "The gastronomic world connects it to our country.In fact, there is a foreign distribution chain in the country that has advertised to spread the local products to have what product they have badociated with each country, and in Argentina they have chose dulce de leche (and San Ignacio) on meat. "


According to Bertin, the work that developed at export was related to the vision of wanting to expand the boundaries of selling their products. "To achieve this, we invest and work a lot on staff training." And he said that dulce de leche "has a huge opportunity in the international market.We are a rarity at the level of the company, but we believe that our product is a very interesting alternative.In fact, not being able Growing more is tied to the resources we put in it as pyme more than anything else.In the case of blue cheese, we are seeing increasing demand and we are very interested in the countries of the region and Russia, important market for us , very important. "

In the future, he is considering a roofless outdoor market." this demand pops up, we are ready to continue investing to be able to accompany it.This is the l & # 39; Hour, I work in fairs by receiving people from abroad, etc. We have acquired a size that allows us to stay in touch with governments, commercial agencies, we have certified several standards. quality badurance required target markets, and that puts us in a position of preference, "he said. ] Green Market

In Argentina, the production of dulce de leche is mainly for domestic consumption (average above 90%). With regard to exports, a UNL work speaks of a "market that is only in its infancy, not very focused and with different brands."


"Many industries and current dairy farms are not going to be any more, as a consequence of the value chain being unproductive"

Alejandro Bertin San Ignacio

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