Can people already vaccinated get it? – Information


The news of Alberto Fernández’s contagion has raised doubts about the immunity granted by the vaccine against the coronavirus.

In this regard, John Moore, virologist at Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York, said: “Vaccines are extremely effective against infections, and there is a growing body of data to confirm this, but nothing is certain. 100%. This is a very important public health message, which must be properly communicated ”.

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As pointed out in an interview with New York Times, importance of maintaining precautions, even after application of the two doses.

The vaccinated person may have the disease mildly or even without symptoms, but they can still infect other people.

And he explained that there are two aspects to consider when it comes to vaccines: overall efficiency, which has to do with the possibility of preventing the spread of the virus; and the effectiveness related to the prevention of serious diseases, that is, the fact that a serious condition does not develop and requires hospitalization, involves lung damage and may lead to admission to intensive care.

However, they clarified that the efficacy of vaccines against the coronavirus is not uniform. Sputnik V, for example, achieves an overall efficacy of 91.6% after application of both doses. In contrast, Sinopharm has 79%. Meanwhile, Covishield is around 70%.

It is therefore possible that some fully vaccinated people could contract Covid-19, it is not clear, at this time, if they can transmit the virus to other people.


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