Canada Approves Vaccine Change for Second Round …


The scientific committee that advises the Government of Canada allowed to change coronavirus vaccine between first and second dose, as long as the characteristics of both are messenger RNA (determines the order in which the amino acids of a protein will join).

People who have received a first dose of AstraZeneca may receive the second dose of AstraZeneca or one of another messenger RNA vaccine, such as Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna, the National Immunization Advisory Committee has announced ( CCNI) in a press release.

Canadians who received a first dose of a messenger RNA vaccine should be offered the same vaccine for their second dose, but if it is not available, they may receive another messenger RNA vaccine.

The interchangeability of vaccines means that you can receive a first dose of vaccine and safely receive a different vaccine for your second dose to complete the series of vaccines needed to ensure optimal protection against COVID-19.Said Howard Njoo, deputy director of the Federal Public Health Officer.

In making this recommendation, the NACI specifies that it has taken into account in particular the “risk of thrombus with the AstraZeneca vaccine”. It also indicates that the mixture may cause a “possibility of increased short-term side effects including headache, fatigue and a general feeling of discomfort”.

The combination of vaccines from different manufacturers is not new: it has been applied against influenza or hepatitis Aexplained the committee. “I think we will need to take a closer look at what will happen after this recommendation,” said Theresa Tam, director of public health, when asked about the risk of Canadians rejecting the AstraZeneca vaccine at the second dose. “We don’t want to leave vaccine doses unused,” he added.

It is up to the Canadian provinces to decide whether or not to apply this recommendation. Several of them announced in May their decision to stop the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine to people who receive their first dose of vaccine as a precautionary measure, due to “the increase in the number of associated thrombi”. However, it continues to be used for people who have received a first dose of AstraZeneca and wish to receive a second dose of the same product.

Canada, which bought six times the amount of vaccine they need to immunize their population with two doses, seeks to distribute AstraZeneca vaccines before they expire. There are provinces that need it more than others and the expiration date of some items that have not yet been used is urgent.


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