Canary Islands: indignation of tourists taking photos of areas devastated by the Cumbre Vieja volcano | “What a lack of empathy!”


Neighbors of La Palma are upset and very outraged by tourists who visit the island and They take family photos and selfies with the Cumbre Vieja volcano in the background.

“The volcano on my island is not a tourist attraction or a spectacle. We are not happy or excited as they say in the news. For our families, friends and homes Be aware of the situation !!”, indicates a poster on the City Council of the Municipality of El Paso.

After the eruption – which started on September 19 – the influx of onlookers caused traffic delays and made the work of emergency teams difficult.

As EFE reports, one of the places most frequented by tourists is a parking lot in front of a square that serves as a viewpoint. “What a lack of empathy, please! Company employees commented when they saw people taking pictures with the volcano in the background.

“I admit that -the erupting volcano- is a phenomenon of nature, it’s shocking, but when you know all the damage it has caused …”, one of the salesmen told EFE and a criticized that people “seem oblivious to misfortune” because “they see it from the outside”.

Lava has already affected more than a thousand buildings on this Canary Island, mainly houses, of which around 900 have been destroyed, and more than 5,500 people have had to be evacuated.


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