Cancel the auction of the helmet of an Argentine soldier from the Falklands


The Englishman who auctioned the helmet used at the Battle of Monte Longdon lowered the post before the start of the sale with a base of $ 13,000.

The eBay site, where the auction was published, announced yesterday: "The ad you are looking for is over."

The English author of the sale, called Bruce, had as price floor the price of $ 13,000, or half a million pesos.

A few days ago, the soldier Altieri had asked to recover the helmet. "With my comrades, I fought against the third battalion of British paratroopers in Monte Longdon, where I was hit by an English bomb that killed several of our soldiers and wounded several of them. saved the life, "said Jorge" Beto ". Altieri at Telam.

"The burst hit me on the forehead, and even on the pictures of the auction page, you can see the hole that left you for me, this injury took away my left eye and I could not see it. have lost brain tissue from the left brain that coordinates the conduction of the right arm, right leg and speech, "he said.

Altieri also pointed out: "I still remember the cold that was pouring in my head, because the cold that flowed from my head gave me the impression that everything froze immediately, my companions took me mountains to the city as soon as they could, they healed me and on June 14, they retreated to the mainland without realizing that the hull was there, where one of the English paratroopers that we had fought in the bush found it ".

"I thought I would not see that helmet that saved my life just four years ago when a boy told me that my helmet was on the Internet in London." I did not think it was possible at first, but he showed me the photos showing the flush hole and the label I had placed with my name and the regiment inside, "he said.

Private Jorge Beto Altieri (Clarín).

The veteran added that "my friend helped me get into the online auction and we made an offer of 400 pounds, but one minute from the end, this man who is selling it now has made a offer of £ 800 and did not give us time to answer. "

"During these years, we communicated with him, we told him the story and we even offered him up to 1,000 pounds for the helmet, but the first refused to sell it and he told us then asked for 5,000 books that we could not collect, "he said.

Altieri said: "We learned recently that he had taken the helmet to an auction that was expiring tomorrow and that he had installed a base of 10,500 pounds equivalent to half a million pesos, which that hurt me a lot but made a lot of people contact me to express your solidarity. "

"Now, I hope to be lucky and that a state or foreign ministry official can contact me to help me negotiate with this man." I do not want to that he gives me the headphones.It allows me to collect money to pay for it and even earn something over 800 pounds that he put but i don & # 39; It does not happen that he asks by chance, "he added.

Altieri said: "I know there is a treaty that protects the teams that the soldiers wear when the war ends, the helmet, the uniform and the harness must be returned to the soldier. he is alive and can be identified as such is the case, but only to be able to seize the weapons. "


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