Candidates and their economic program for STEP


As for the Argentine economy, its official website accepts the vulnerability of the Argentine situation and offers "To make it stronger, we must continue to make spending more efficient and continue to reduce taxes, promote investment and employment in a sustainable manner and strengthen the independence of the Central Bank. "

The axes of the campaign are defined to mark the differences with the previous government and for the future, the challenges seem to be deepening the model. implemented since 2015.

In this direction, no major changes are expected from your economic team and the fact that Dujovne, the current Minister of Finance, is arguing with the main opposition presidential candidate is proof of that.

The most concrete thing we can expect is that the contractionary monetary policy is maintained, with a high interest rate and a budget similar to that of this year, where the focus is on reaching the zero primary deficit.

The IMF audit on our economy, it is expected that its recommendations on the need for carry out labor, pension and tax reforms. Something that the government has tried several times over these three years of management, even before signing the agreement with the Fund.


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