Capital punishment in Iran: Young woman died before being executed, but was always hanged to satisfy another woman’s thirst for revenge



Nail woman who died of heart attack before being executed because a murder committed in Iran was hanged dead so that the victim’s mother could exercise her right to kick the chair, stipulated in the law applicable under the Persian theocratic regime.

Zahra Ismaili was declared guilty of killing her husband, an Iranian intelligence official, who allegedly abused her and her daughter.

His lawyer, Omid moradi, explained that woman died of heart attack as she watched 16 hanging men executed.

Ismaili passed out and suffered a fatal heart attack, but they dragged her onto the scaffold and hung her on a rope anyway. The reason: that the mother of the ex-husband (and alleged rapist) killed could hit a chair under your legs, which would have triggered the hanging and subsequent death if it had not happened a few minutes earlier.

The permit was granted under Sharia law of qisas (“one eye for an eye”), a doctrine which grants the victim or members of his family the right to retributive justice.

Iran is one of the countries that still sentences non-violent crimes to death
Iran is one of the countries that still sentences non-violent crimes to death

Ismaili was hanged in the prison of Rajai shahr, in the town of Karaj, about 32 kilometers west of Tehran.

Iran ranks second on the list of countries that use the death penalty the most, behind the Chinese regime.

However, even by the standards of the Islamic Republic, a massive execution of 17 people in one day is rare.

The United Nations recorded 233 executions last year, until early December, including three teenagers at the time of their alleged crimes.

Iran continues to sentence people to death for non-violent crimes, including drug trafficking.

In 2014, Reyhaneh Jabbari hanged in high-profile case after being convicted of murdering former intelligence official who she said attempted to rape her.

The hanging of the 26-year-old has led to widespread international condemnation.


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Human Rights Watch has denounced that Iran sentenced to death several demonstrators who participated in protests against the regime.
Iran executed Navid Afkari, professional wrestler on death row after anti-regime protests

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