Capriles on Guaidó: the opposite position was that he should not self-swear


But once consumed, opponents of socialist leader Nicolás Maduro were surprised by the huge international support given to Guaidó – led by the United States – and that the former candidate defines as a "domino effect".

Capriles, 46, who was the first opposition figure, spoke with reporters – including AFP – for the first time since the self-discipline of the 35-year-old MP. years, January 23. Here is an excerpt from his statements.

Q: How did the opposition prepare this moment?

R: "On January 5, when Guaidó took office at the (Parliament) Assembly, the majority position in the Venezuelan opposition was that Guaidó should not self-govern as President.

It was felt that this could trigger a political confrontation (…). There was some doubt within the opposition that this public act resulted in (that) the closure of the National Assembly by the government.

He comes January 23 and Juan is sworn. We did not have information. This surprised many leaders. "

Q: Who is Juan Guaidó?

R: "It's a very rational person, it's not an extremist, it's not crazy, it's not violent, it's concentrated."

Q: Did the opposition expect so much support from the international community?

R: "(Some say) that it is a plan that we orchestrated: it is not true, because the narrative of opposition was (only) Brazilian, American and Colombian, in terms of recognition of Guaidó, and the Secretary General of the OAS Luis Almagro.

We are all surprised by the domino effect that has occurred ".

Q: Without this international support, would Guaidó be imprisoned today?

R: "Probably yes, because the government said:" I have control of the force, powers, I have people who are afraid, I already gave the stick to people in 2017 ( in the demonstrations that left about 125 dead), I continue to move forward. "The international reaction (…) has been a constraint."

Q: Maduro denounces an opposition move led by the United States: how does it react?

R: "He is a victim, he wants to make believe that Maduro was a president elected at a vote and that Guaidó was elected by no one, he chose himself: c & # 39; is wrong.

Guaidó is deputy, president of the National Assembly and (consistent) with our Constitution, before the usurpation of Maduro.

(In the presidential elections of May 2018) Maduro disqualifies the main candidates, prohibits the main parties and therefore wants to stand for election. Hey, it's easy!

So, who chose Maduro? Nobody, it was a joke, it was a montage. In front of that, what does the legislative power do? Assume their constitutional skills. "

Q: Will Juan Guaidó make the opposition unit possible?

R: "What is the Higher Objective of the Opposition? A Political Change in the Country Where Have Debates Occurred? In How We Made This Political Change, How Can Venezuela Recover Its democracy, because it is not a democracy (.. This seems to be an authoritarianism going towards totalitarianism.

The step taken by Guaidó, (…) without having foreseen, resulted in an immediate internal composition process of the opposition, (…) plus a hope for the Venezuelan, plus a sensation that you collect in the street: "now yes, this is going to a result".

Q: How can the pressure against the government increase?

R: "What is needed for this to end the break (…): we must explain to people that until society begins to say," I recognize the Assembly "(he There will be no result.) No one has taken this step. Inside, Fedecámaras, Church, Unions, no one said: we do not recognize Maduro, they say: we recognize the Assembly, until we pbad this step, Maduro believes that it has internal control. "


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