Caracas, city of Bolivian militias in trench …


Page12 in Venezuela
From Caracas

Caracas takes the form of a trench. In ten days, one thousand seven hundred men and women received instructions for the defense. The goal is to reach one hundred thousand in October, with training centers in the twenty-two parishes to cover the hundred and seventeen territorial axes of the capital: that the city is a reservoir of actions for the Coup d'Etat.

The first training area is located south of the city, in Macarao. Here, the right set fire to the headquarters of the communal organization on April 30, while the cameras were centered on Juan Guaidó, Leopoldo López and the handful of soldiers who failed. Leaders of social movements, grbadroots organizations of Chavismo, people of all ages participate in this training day, for which it is the first time that they use a rifle or territory recognition techniques . Nobody has forced them to come: they are modest people, from organized slums, from the daily effort turned into a battle for gasoline, prices or transport.

The training has several components, such as learning to map the neighborhood, to mobilize with weapons, health techniques, evacuation, personal defense, physical exercises. The instructors are members of the Bolivarian militia, made up of more than two and a half million men and women, vertebral element of the so-called doctrine of integral defense of the nation. At the head of the political leadership of the training plan is the leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

"Caracas is a city of peace, a city of life, and we will defend it with the organization of our people, the civil-military union, and with the preparation and intelligence that we develop in this effort of integral formation ", explains the mayor of the liberating municipality of Caracas, Erika Farías, member of the management of the PSUV and the front Francisco de Miranda.

The training work includes several actors: the PSUV, the allied parties, the social and communal movements, the members of the National Constituent Assembly. The objectives are three. In the first place, the defense organization through the design and execution of a plan in a unified manner between the various players, to form a core on each territory. Second, the exercises as such. Third, the productive effort, where the goal is that each of the twenty-two parishes has a training and food production center.

"All Venezuelans have co-responsibility in the defense of the country, writes article 326 of the Constitution.It is not only a question of armament, we will create a very important logistic chain, for each fighter trained here. , there must be eight or nine people behind, the instruction must continue, in each territory, all the components must be intended for the integral defense ", explains Colonel Boris Iván Berroterán de Jesús, commander of the zone of integral defense 414 Caricuao.

The training launched aims to answer two main hypotheses of conflict. The first is already known, it concerns the actions that the right led in 2013, 2014, 2017 and early this year: attacks on local Psuv, communes, health centers, children, leaders of Chavez, night provocation actions and attempt to chaos popular neighborhoods. The right has been infiltrating and recruiting armed groups for several years, to challenge the daily life of the popular territories and to deploy them in times of badault.

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The body of the militia consists of two and a half million people.

The second hypothesis responds to a scenario denounced by the government: the possibility that the law uses the strategy of mercenary forces composed of various actors, such as paramilitaries, criminal gangs, private entrepreneurs. In an image of these characteristics, the territories of Caracas, their overpopulated hills in the form of labyrinths with ladders and platforms, could be spaces of irregular confrontation. The organized population must be ready to recognize movements, namely to act.

The training plan in Caracas is progressing in parallel with the central commitment made by Chavez since January to resolve the conflict: the dialogue to reach an agreement. These attempts were first made secretly for months and, for two weeks, were made public at the approach of the Norwegian capital, Oslo.

Chavismo has shown himself united around seeking dialogue and baderted that he would insist on reaching an agreement. The opposition, on the other hand, has been divided in this respect: while one sector is part of the attempt at dialogue, like the representatives of Guaidó – led by the United States – and the party Un Nuevo Tiempo, a another sector insisted that there was nothing left to discuss. Negotiating The second space maintains the thesis that Chavismo will leave only by an international force. To this end, they work publicly, for example, on the fictitious reintroduction by the National Assembly of Venezuela in the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance.

The US government, for its part, maintains the public position that each solution pbades by the exit of Nicolás Maduro and returned, through the intermediary of its vice-president Mike Pence, to support Guaidó. The question that arises since the beginning of Guaidó's self-proclamation is this: until the United States is willing to go?

Although it is the public debates, what are we preparing behind closed doors? The right, as part of the North American plan and funding, has already led violent actions at the time of Guaidó's self-proclamation, an attempt at Colombia's forcible entry February 23, attacks on the electrical system, an attempt to politico-military action on April 30 at dawn. And if they are not yet ready to agree in Oslo on a process that does not involve the release of Maduro? Chavismo works on all possible scenarios. Caracas is the epicenter of power that seeks to attack the coup and is preparing in trench.


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