Caracas has suffered a new power outage in the midst of the biggest power outage in the history of Venezuela


blackout of caracas

Blackout in Caracas - Credit: @jguaido

Blackout in Caracas – Credit: @jguaido

"Energy was partially restored in several areas of Caracas and Miranda (the neighboring state to which four of the five municipalities making up the metropolitan area of ​​the capital belong) for a period of six hours and 30 minutes"the newspaper says The National. However, several areas of the capital have undergone another reduction at 11 am (Argentina).

"The national electrical system has been subjected to multiple cyber attacks that caused his downfall and prevented attempts at national rapprochement, "tweeted President Nicolás Maduro. "However, we are making great efforts to restore supply stably and permanently in the next few hours," he said.

The public channel VTV indicated that more than 20 regions of Caracas had recovered the offer and that "the communities of several states of the country reported a gradual return of the service", without specifying what they were.

In turn, the Governor of Miranda, the Chaviste Héctor Rodríguez, he tweeted that he was guarding the public power station to guarantee the return of energy: "We inform our people that We continue at the command post of (the state electricity company) Corpoelec; We started to gradually recover the electrical energy in Mirandino territory, but the system is unstable. "

The governor of Tachira, the antichavista Laidy Gómez, reported that the Andean state has returned to electricity, cut as in much of the country since last Thursday.

The power outage, considered the most important in the history of Venezuela, hasAt least 15 dead. According to the Coalition of Organizations for the Right to Health and Life (Codevida), there are patients with kidney failure who could not undergo dialysis due to a lack of d & # 39; electricity.

However, the car called interim president, Juan Guaidó, said that at least 17 patients have died in various hospitals.

In addition, several NGOs estimated the deaths caused by the power outage of 28, both inside and outside health centers, according to El Nacional.


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