Carla Pastorizzo: "By shame, my brother could not count the violence he suffered from Nahir" – 07/04/2018


The first time Carla Pastorizzo cried was only a month after her brother was killed by Nahir Galarza. She says she had an emotional block that did not let her react. His tears sprang suddenly one morning when he woke up and could not hear the song that Fernando was singing every time he opened the door to the room and his little dog named Luna came in to greet him.

-Luna, luna luna. You know I like him.

"She is the youngest of the dogs we have, it was part of her routine to wake up every day and sing her that song." Nando equals – as her family calls it – "What's up? he liked most was Teo, a dog we saved from the street a few years ago, he was very sick, very sick, with parasites and scabies, we take care of all of this together and we save him. Loved It. "

  The message Carla Pastorizzo dedicated to her brother after the sentence to Nahir

The message Carla Pastorizzo dedicated to her brother after the sentence to Nahir

Carla receives Clarín in the house where he lived with Fernando. She is 24 years old, but since the age of 18, she moved to Buenos Aires to study Biochemistry, which has some finalities to receive, but despite this, she is already a teacher and teaches at the University. of Buenos Aires (UBA). That's militant feminist, at several of the hearings in the trial attended with a green handkerchief attached to his wrist or hung from the backpack. Sign that the young woman is in favor of the decriminalization of abortion.

She gets angry when she reads on social networks that we talk about a trivialization of violence or criticism that some people make about speeding the trial: "Here, Nahir confessed the crime, the prosecutors worked very well, everything was clear and simple, and the feminist struggle against gender-based violence also seeks to make visible the violence of women towards men, situations that are not not denounced by the mockery imposed by the patriarchate "

  Carla Pastorizzo, sister of Fernando Photo: José Almeida

Carla Pastorizzo, sister of Fernando Photo: José Almeida

He speaks about his brother victim of this shame and that he never denounced what he suffered he exemplified it in concrete action, it was the day after Christmas and after that fight that Fernando had with Nahir and his friend Sol Martínez: "He arrived late, almost at noon, hey all day and the only time I saw him put ice on the he had red eyes and a bump on his head, i asked him what had happened to him and he's got me said that it was because he had hit with a ramp in the bowling alley. He saw, although he knew her by pictures and knew the relationship that they had, between friends, she was trying to find a reason to explain the reason that led Nahir to end the life of Fernando: "He wanted to leave, to live with his friends, she was already enrolled in the faculty to study business administration, she could not because she felt that it belonged to her."

Carla laughs whenever she remembers an anecdote of Nando. one day he heard her screaming, he was in the dining room and she worried about seeing what happened: "I was playing at the PlayStation and I got angry at them He shouted to them that they were very bad and I told him that the bad guy was the one who was controlling them. "He says it was the only time he was there. seen angry.

He describes him as a boy without harm, good, supportive, friend of his friends . "The day they killed me I was in my grandmother's house and my aunt and two cousins ​​came in. They told me that they had to me to say something and I never thought of Fernando.A thousand things happened in front of me.When they told me that I could not react, I was like that for almost a month without being able to cry . "

  Carla and Fernando Pastorizzo of young children in Gualeguaychú

Carla and Fernando Pastorizzo of young children in Gualeguaychú

No intention to speak to Nahir. He has no hate, he does not want the worst, or he dies slowly, as his father, Gustavo, said as soon as the sentence was pronounced. She wants Nahir to repent that the time that pbades between the bars will serve to reconsider and reflect on what he has done: "I am not seeking his forgiveness either. Neither that of his family, who from the first day was responsible for messing it up, told him that he was an addict, a puncher and a cocaine addict. All barbarities. "

The memory of Nando appears in the small details in this empty bed that he observes every time he walks through the door of his room, in this teddy bear in the colors of Boca ] that he had since he was small, in the cotton jacket that belonged to his brother but that now uses it, in the silence where sometimes the house becomes: "All our strengths and our energies were put to the test How do you go? ", Request and Answers: " Now the duel begins "

  Carla and Fernando Pastorizzo of young children in Gualeguaychú

Carla and Fernando Pastorizzo young children in Gualeguaychú

Carla dreamed of her brother. He did it twice and in both he was small, aged ten or eleven. The first one noticed anxious and sad. But the second was not different. Fernando was calm, he smiled but he did not speak to him. She does not believe in God: "In fact, I believe that the church should be separated from the state.I do not know where it will be, whether in a better place or in paradise.J & # 39; just hope that I can rest in peace. "

Gualeguaychú. Correspondent.

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