Carlos Pagni compared Bonadio's investigations with Cristina Kirchner with torture


The journalist of the newspaper La Nación Carlos Pagni claimed that they were committed "arbitrary procedure" in the cases against the candidate for the vice presidency of the Front of all, Cristina Kirchner and crossed to the federal judge Claudio Bonadio for quoting him in "nine curious statements in a day".

"In the causes of Cristina Kirchner There have been numerous procedural arbitrations: the mere fact that Bonadio mentions nine investigative statements in one day is more like torture than a proper procedure from the point of view of the state. of law, "he said. Pagni

The opinion of the journalist appeared with reference to Alberto Fernandez He had stated that in Latin America, justice had been manipulated in three cases to attack former presidents. Lula Da Silva from Brazil, Rafael Correa from Ecuador and against Cristina.

The newspaper Clarin said on Monday that in the midst of the election campaign, Judge Claudio Bonadio decided to summon the president in court to plead the cause of the photocopies of the so-called notebook of the driver Oscar Rye.


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