Carrió: "De la Rúa suffered a blow here in China and was betrayed by the UCR"


The member of the civic coalition Elisa Carrió warned that the former president Fernando De la Rúa suffered "a blow from here in China, was very betrayed by radicalism itself" and conditioned by "the establishment" economic, and considered that the deceased president was not "in the fullness of the exercise of his faculties" at the end of his government.

Carrió felt that De la Rúa "was very betrayed by radicalism itself and should have broken the convertibility in the first six months" of his term, which extended from December 1999 to December 2001.

The legislator, of radical origin, stated that "The establishment has conditioned the government a lot" from the Alliance since then "there were devaluators, and there was Techint, and the non-devaluators, who were the utilities".

"Having not exceeded the peso-dollar parity at one point, he had to exploit the economic model," added Carrió.

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The withdrawal of macrismo showed defeatist opinions against the PASO. From where harder speeches against the Kirchner and candles on social networks.

However, the legislator pointed out that the fall of the Alliance government was a "coup d'etat from here to China" in which, In addition to the alleged participation of Peronism, it included the "half" of the UCR and former president Raúl Alfonsín himself.

Addressing the La Nación + channel, the leader added that Mr. De la Rua "had a health problem" towards the end of his government, a condition which he said "did not been revealed and I do not know if it will be. "

After pointing out that the former president was a "smart, cultured and trained man," he had badured that during the last months of his tenure, he was not "in the fullness of the exercise of his faculties "and that he" had no decision-making ability ".


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