Carrió: I do not want to go back to corruption and drug trafficking. Millions of Argentines do not want, although today they are bad


Elisa "Lilita" Carrió was Monday night in From the plain by TN, program in which he discussed with the journalist Joaquín Morales Solá and in which he reiterated his support for Mauricio Macri. "The first thing is full support for the president, everything changes with the president," he said.

The MP said that she would campaign with him (by Macri) to win the republic. "I have been working with the President for three days, but he has not gone anywhere and the support has been unanimous and complete." At the meeting, the Minister of the Interior, Rogelio Frigerio, María Eugenia Vidal – who gives to his minister an excellent mark – was Rodriguez Larreta and Ritondo was responsible for overseeing the problems that occurred in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, "he explained.

Lilita Carrió. He stood firm with the president. (TV Capture)

Carrió said that it was determined that there was no incompatibility in which the president could be reelected and sat at the head of the state. "He is worried about the homeland and the nation," he said of Mauricio Macri.

He also asked Alberto Fernández and "Cristina Kirchner foremost for his responsibility.It seems that they have forgotten the corruption, the crimes of the army chief.Many journalists have forgotten.But this This is because it denotes moral integrity, "he said.

"I tell businessmen that the choice will take place in October.The markets are marked by strong hysteria.Some of Kirchnerism runs – there is a lot of money to run because there is has a lot of money stolen – and the rest runs like a package, "he said.

The deputy of the Nation of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires was surprised to find that the governors of the PJ want to sue the government for the refund of VAT on foodstuffs. "The provinces have received a lot of money at the expense of the Argentines," he said.

Elisa Carrió. Deputy of the nation of the autonomous city of Buenos Aires. (Pedro Castle / Archive)

"Our destiny can be wonderful, but it depends on our will.The one we voted for is your freedom.The destiny of Argentina is wonderful, but it depends on the free will of the Argentineans. What will become of narco if we win and what will happen if another winner wins? What will happen to the freedom of expression? What will our alliances with the EU and Mercosur or with Cuba, Russia and Venezuela? "

Lilita said that the result of the Paso is an investigation and that the elections will be held on October 27, but that investors already say "if Cristina comes back, we withdraw", to which she added that "these consequences are a rejection to our government, that we understand them. "


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"We are going to campaign together the three: Macri, Pichetto and I saying goodbye but I'm coming back, I'm not a candidate for anything," he said.

At another point in the conversation, Carrió revealed that "Dujovne has decided to leave" and that he knows Lacunza well and that he is confident. In addition, without naming, he suggested that the people of Cambiemos were talking about a transition and that they were filtering the wrong information. "I left behind Macri to say that we would win in October but some did not let me talk, I noticed some mistakes but they were not heard", a- he declared.

Finally, she recommended that parents talk with their children because she does not want a divided Argentina. "I call everyone military for this cause," he said.

"The republic is played and if possible, I will be there," he concluded.


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