Carrió, on the announcements of Hacienda: the goal is not to loot us again with the dollar


"To all the Argentinian people and also to the members of the interblock, I am not going to say everything for a question of strategy but the goal of the government today is not to loot us again with the dollar, as was the case with the asymmetric devaluation of the 2001 coup ", said the national deputy.

In Carrió's message, which lasts 9 minutes 41 seconds, he pointed several times Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and also against who was your legal and technical secretary, Carlos Zanini.

"For Kirchnerism, the worst is Zanini's reasoning, it is time to appease people, because the problem will be solved in October, because the creators of chaos will be severely punished." Cristina is chaos, "explained deputy.

For Kirchnerism, the worst is best, that is Zanini's thesis "(Elisa Carrió)

"We do not have to react to their violence, they want us to swallow Venezuela or Putin's Russia," he added.

At certain points in his message, Carrió also sent signals to Cambiemos, pointing out the presence of "traitors" and "deliverymen", and asked the minister Carolina Stanley "It is imperative that you announce that social plans will be maintained."

"Here the only possibility is to restore order and restore constitutional, legal and social peace, we must vote for Cambiemos.The constitutional order is the Republic and Macri represents it.In October, we have won by beating, "concluded Carrió.


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