Carrió used a fake photo of Venezuela to attack the Kirchner


The MP published a photo of Honduras in 2013 to discuss the current situation of the country ruled by Maduro.

February 13, 2019

Change MP Elisa Carrió once again wanted to go to Venezuela. However, this time, it went wrong: On his Twitter account, he shared the picture of a hospital in Honduras, taken in 2013.

"Venezuela today … what we saved ourselves from", Carrió published in the social network. Along with this sentence, he shared a series of hospital photos showing people being treated and several newborns placed in plastic or cardboard boxes.

A quick Google search proves that Carrio's words are a lie. The photo of the babies comes from the Western Regional Hospital, Honduras.. According to the La Prensa portal of August 15, 2013, they were put in boxes due to the lack of incubators.


On the other hand, at least two of the other photos also have a lying component. Although it is true that they come from Venezuela, the pictures showing people on the floor are not "today" in the day, as Carrió wrote. The first recordings registered with Google during a reverse lookup of photographs show that they correspond, at least, to the half of 2016. This is how they appear on the site mirtesen .ru.





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